South Carolina Couple Spotted A Shape In The Riverbank And Made A Creepy Discovery

Birdsong. The smell of flowers. The trickle of running water. All is calm in South Carolina as a young couple stroll along beside the Stono River. But suddenly the idyllic scene descends into something much darker. They’ve spotted a shape emerging from the sandy bank, and it’s really not the sort of item you find every day. In fact, the thought of it alone is enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

As they ambled along the muddy shores of the river, Jessica Rose-Standafer Owens and her husband Simon kept their eyes on the ground. Because they had an ulterior motive behind their visit to this picturesque spot; they were looking for treasure. And soon their focus was rewarded as they spied something strange half-buried in the riverbank.

When the couple took a closer look, they realized the terrifying truth about their chance discovery. But what horror could they have possibly found so close to South Carolina’s biggest and most famous city? It almost brought Jessica to tears, after all, leaving the pair reeling with emotion and excitement.

It turned out that the mysterious object was millions of years old – a hair-raising relic from another age. And somehow it had found its way to this sleepy riverbank, just waiting for someone to come along and discover it. So what is the story behind the artifact that has caused a sensation around the world?

Well, the haunting relic’s latest chapter revolves around the Owenses. Jessica is a South Carolina native, born in the southern city close to where she made her astonishing find, according to her social media profile. Her husband hails from Asheville, meanwhile, some 250 miles away in North Carolina. At the time of the discovery, though, the couple were apparently living in Charleston.